Did you know that Young Living carries an entire line of products dedicated to your fur-babies?! 

Why yes they do!  Riley

It's a bit of a controversial subject, but let me tell you, I used essential oils on my Dog Riley for 9 years, and she was living proof that a high quality, carefully made essential oil is just as beneficial for pets as it is for people.

"But why do I hear how dangerous they are?"

For the same reason people have to be SO careful with oils - there are a lot of toxic ones sold today. 

Essential oils are classified by the FDA as "fragrance". A "fragrance" can be anything with a smell.  There are many products sold as essential oils that are not at all! 

If a company says that their oil actually is made from the Lavender plant, they only need 1% of Lavender extract in it for it to be a legal statement.  Yikes!  

If a company says they are "100% Lavender", that means it is "100% their Lavender "essential oil" which is wide open to interpretation.

And then, production is a factor.  Companies can make oils quickly and in large quantities with high heat and multiple distillations of the same plant material. They can also make it from older plants not cultivated properly, from dried plants, and from plants grown with toxic pesticides. 

Is this starting to make more sense?

If you want to be sure, go right to the company that sells them.  Call them!  Do they have an advisory board dedicated to animals?  Do they have a Seed to Seal guarantee?

Check out this info below for more on our Animal Scents Line. Then head to the bottom of this email for important info on next month's gathering!  

Check out this great Oils for Pets class if you’d like to learn more!

Fall Gatherings
Did you miss my gathering last week?  We had a ton of fun with what my friend Maria called "Dutch Taco's 🤣.   I'm still laughing at cute she is!Friends, you REALLY don't want to miss the next gathering!  We always have so much fun!  It may not be a full dinner each time, but the ones with food are always the BEST!  In September, we will make ELDERBERRY SYRUP!!  (September  21) . I plan a bracelet/snacks night in October, DIY oil lamps in October, and Infused honey in November. Stay tuned for the dates!!
Like getting all of these ideas?  Don't miss a single post!  Be sure to join my e-mail list today, and let me know others ways I can serve you :)


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